How Temperature Affects Bills

Record-setting cold temperatures force many of us to huddle indoors, seeking warmth and comfort. However, with the chill in the air, you might have noticed a less-than-welcome guest – an increase in your energy bill. In this article, we unravel the frigid facts behind the spike in energy consumption during cold weather and why your heating system seems to be working overtime.

More Energy Consumption in Cold Weather

The simple truth is that you use more energy when the temperatures drop. As the cold seeps into your home, your heating system kicks into high gear to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. This increased workload translates to higher energy consumption.

Hardworking Heating Systems

In cold weather, your heating system has to work much harder than usual. Whether you have a furnace, heat pump, or another heating method, the demand for warmth intensifies in lower temperatures. This increased workload contributes directly to the escalation of your energy bills.

Extended Runtime of Thermostats

Even if you resist the urge to adjust your thermostat settings, you’ll find that your heating system runs for longer durations during cold spells. The extended runtime is a direct response to the greater temperature differential between the chilly outdoor air and your desired indoor warmth.

Electricity Usage in Gas Heating Systems

Surprisingly, even if you rely on a gas heating system, electricity plays a crucial role. Gas heating systems utilize electricity to power fans that distribute the warm air throughout your home. Therefore, the combination of gas and electricity usage contributes to the overall energy consumption during cold weather.

As the cold weather persists, it’s essential to understand the dynamics behind the surge in your energy bill. The increased workload on your heating system, prolonged thermostat runtimes, and the reliance on electricity in gas heating systems all play a role in the higher energy consumption during winter. To mitigate the impact on your wallet, consider energy-efficient practices and ensuring that your home is well-insulated to retain warmth. By being mindful of these factors, you can stay warm without breaking the bank during the chilly winter months.

Ways to Save

SCI REMC provides a range of programs and resources designed to assist members in reducing energy expenses and gaining financial benefits. These offerings include complimentary energy audits and opportunities to earn rebates on installations, tune-ups, and electronic outdoor equipment related to HVAC and water heaters. Explore the avenues through which you can not only save on energy costs but also take advantage of incentives and save money.

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